National Diploma Rank In Custom And Salary 2024 (OND)

National Diploma Rank In Custom And Salary (OND)

Those who have the qualification of OND also known as National Diploma has been asking questions about the Rank they will be given when they join the custom service with the qualification. In this post we are going to explain everything you need to know about the OND Rank In Custom and the Salary which is paid to them.

OND Rank In Custom

Please note that National Diploma is also the same thing as OND so whenever we talk about OND rank in custom also know we are taking about the Diploma Rank In Nigeria Custom.

National Diploma Rank in customs

The Nigeria Customs Service always recruit both graduates and undergraduate in the service as long as you meet up with their requirements. Please note that there is always different in ranks according to qualification. You can read our previous post on the ranks and Salary in the Nigeria Custom service.

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National Diploma Rank In Custom

National Diploma Rank In Custom is Inspector of Custom. Please note that the Inspector of custom is the starting rank of OND Rank In Custom as they grow in their years of service, they are promoted to the next rank. You can read our previous post on the complete ranks and salary in the Nigeria Customs Service.

Now let’s talk about how much is paid to National Diploma holders in the Nigeria Customs Service. Though we made mention of the full salary that is paid to the National Diploma holders when we wrote about the Nigeria Custom Salary 2024 and Allowance, for those who missed the topic can still refer to the post. Below is the National Diploma Salary In Custom.

National Diploma Salary In Custom

National Diploma Salary In Custom ranges from ₦723,014 – ₦997,065 Annually. Note that the salary also depends on the years of service. For example, A National Diploma Custom Officer who just joined the service won’t be paid the same salary like those who have served for the period of 3 years with the same qualification.

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