Nigerian Air Force DSSC Rank And Salary 2024

Nigerian Air Force DSSC Rank And Salary 2024. The Nigerian Air Force is part of the Nigerian Military Which is in charge of protecting the Nigerian territory through the Air. The Nigerian Air Force as has a type of recruitment known as the Nigerian Air Force DSSC. The DSSC simply means Direct Short Service.

Those who join the Nigerian Air Force through this process is always graduate. This simply means that if you are not a graduate, you won’t be able to join the Nigerian Air Force DSSC.

Nigerian Air Force DSSC Ranks

Now the first and second paragraph of this article is simply to make understand what we mean be DSSC before start taking about the ranks but we believe that if you are reading this post, that simply means that you already have an idea about what DSSC in the Nigerian Air Force is all about.

The Nigerian Air Force DSSC ranks is almost the same thing with the Nigerian Air Force regular Officers. The regular Officers are those who joined the Air Force through the Nigerian Defence Academy. They spend a period of 5 years before they are commissioned into the Nigerian Air Force as AirForce Officers.

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The only difference between their ranks is that there are some ranks that those who joined through the the Nigerian Defence Academy can reach but those who joined through the DSSC can’t reach. Example of the rank is General.

Now let’s talk about the Nigerian Air Force DSSC rank.

Nigerian Air Force DSSC Rank

The Nigerian Air Force DSSC Rank is Flying Officer. This is the first rank that will be given to anyone who graduated from training as DSSC. There is a rank that is meant for the commissioned Officers which the DSSC Officers have to skip which is the Pilot Officer. Let’s see the complete ranks in the Nigerian AirForce DSSC.

Nigerian Air Force DSSC Rank

  • Flying Officer
  • Flight Lieutenant
  • Squadron Leader
  • Wing Commander
  • Group Captain
  • Air Commodore

The above ranks are the ranks that is meant for the Nigerian AirForce DSSC. You can read about the complete ranks in the Nigerian Air Force to see the complete ranks in the Nigerian Air Force. Now let’s look at the amount that is paid to them as salary.

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Nigerian Air Force DSSC Salary

  • Flying Officer – N218,900 Monthly Salary
  • Flight Lieutenant – N232, 984 monthly Salary
  • Squadron Leader – N248, 904 monthly Salary
  • Wing Commander – N342, 986 monthly Salary
  • Group Captain – N352, 931 monthly Salary
  • Air Commodore – N677, 995 monthly Salary

The ranks and Salary above is what you are expected to be earning when you join the Nigerian Air Force through the direct short service commission also known as DSSC.

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