US Airforce Ranks And Salary 2024 (US Airforce Pay)

The US Airforce Ranks is Arranged the same way the US Navy Ranks and salary is Arranged. We have already written an article about the US Navy Ranks And Salary. In this post, we will only be discussing the US Airforce Ranks And Pay.

What are the United States Airforce Ranks and how much is their Pay?

This is the main topic for this article but before we go into the topic, there are some things you need to understand about the US Airforce.

US Air Force ranks

The US Airforce is one of the Best Airforce in the world when it comes to paying its Officers well. The USAF Ranks are arranged According to the seniority. Those people who have a higher rank are paid higher than those that have a lower rank. Those who have served for long in the US Airforce tend to be paid better than those who have the same rank as them but are just joining the Air force. This simply means that two people having the same rank, one may be paid higher than the other depending on the years of Service. Now let’s go down to the United States Airforce Ranks And Salary is Also known as USAF Ranks and Salary according to Federal Pay

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Below are the USAF Ranks and Their Salary/Pay.

US Airforce Ranks And Salary/Pay

  • E-1No InsigniaAirman Basic AB Enlisted Airman is paid $1,833 per month
  • E-2
    Insignia of an Air Force Airman
    Enlisted Airman receives
    $2,055 per month
  • E-3
    Insignia of an Air Force Airman First Class
    Airman First Class
    Enlisted Airman collects
    $25,927 – $29,228 per year
  • E-4
    Insignia of an Air Force Senior Airman
    Senior Airman
    Enlisted Airman earns
    $28,721 – $34,866 per year
  • E-5
    Insignia of an Air Force Staff Sergeant
    Staff Sergeant
    Noncommissioned Officer
    $31,324 – $44,453 per year
  • E-6
    Insignia of an Air Force Technical Sergeant
    Technical Sergeant
    Noncommissioned Officer
    $34,193 – $52,960 per year
  • E-7
    Insignia of an Air Force Master Sergeant
    Master Sergeant
    Noncommissioned Officer
    $39,532 – $71,053 per year
  • E-8
    Insignia of an Air Force Senior Master Sergeant
    Senior Master Sergeant
    Noncommissioned Officer
    $56,869 – $81,108 per year
  • E-9
    Insignia of an Air Force Chief Master Sergeant
    Chief Master Sergeant
    Noncommissioned Officer
    $69,469 – $107,867 per year
  • E-9
    Insignia of an Air Force Command Chief Master Sergeant
    Command Chief Master Sergeant
    Noncommissioned Officer
    $69,469 – $107,867 per year
  • E-9
    Insignia of an Air Force Chief Master Sergeant Of The Air Force
    Chief Master Sergeant Of The Air Force
    Noncommissioned Officer (Special)
    $69,469 – $107,867 per year
  • O-1
    Insignia of an Air Force Second Lieutenant
    Second Lieutenant
    2d Lt
    Commissioned Officer
    $41,728 – $52,506 per year
  • O-2
    Insignia of an Air Force First Lieutenant
    First Lieutenant
    1st L Commissioned Officer $48,078 – $66,532 per year
  • O-3
    Insignia of an Air Force Captain
    Commissioned Officer
    $55,638 – $90,522 per year
  • O-4
    Insignia of an Air Force Major
    Field Officer
    $63,284 – $105,664 per year
  • O-5
    Insignia of an Air Force Lieutenant Colonel
    Lieutenant Colonel
    Lt Co
    Field Officer
    $73,346 – $124,610 per year
  • O-6
    Insignia of an Air Force Colonel
    Field Officer
    $87,984 – $155,754 per year
  • O-7
    Insignia of an Air Force Brigadier General
    Brigadier General
    General Officer
    $116,021 – $173,347 per year
  • O-8
    Insignia of an Air Force Major General
    Major General
    Maj G
    General Officer
    $139,626 – $201,290 per year
  • O-9
    Insignia of an Air Force Lieutenant General
    Lieutenant General
    Lt Ge
    General Officer
    $197,338 – $203,699 per year
  • O-10
    Insignia of an Air Force General
    General Officer
    $16,975 per month
  • O-10
    Insignia of an Air Force General of the Air Force
    General of the Air Force
    General Officer
    $16,975 per month
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